If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up 如果再发生严重的通货膨胀,那么利率就会迅速上调。
Sales shot up by 9% last month 销售量上个月猛增了9%。
The fair market value of the property shot up. 这处房产的公平市价增长迅速。
Drug addicts shoot up in the back alleys 瘾君子们在后街小巷里注射毒品。
A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship,| ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.& new things ( or forces) will always take the place of the old ones. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)
Long-term interest rates would shoot up, which would kill housing even more. 长期利率将会大幅上升,从而进一步摧毁房地产市场。
When I tell her I loved the book, her arms shoot up in celebration. 当我告诉她我喜欢这本书,她拍手庆祝。
I'll shoot up the whole room. 我会射穿这个房间的。
But not every sort of property is seeing prices shoot up so fast. 但并非所有类别的地产物业都经历如此快速的价格攀升。
This chimney is straight enough for you to shoot up. 这个烟囱够直的了,你可以从中往上开枪。
Released from such grazing pressure, saplings now shoot up to form lush young groves. 小树苗从这样的啃食压力下释放之后,迅速成长为葱郁的小树林。
I've never seen junkies shoot up in the face before. 我从没见过往脸上注射毒品的。
My weight may shoot up from less than an ounce to several ounces. 我的体重可能由不到一盎司猛增到几盎司。
And even the traditional meassures of education, language and math shoot up They actually fit together very nicely. 即使在传统教育模式下,语言和数学的成绩也会有很大提高,它们可以结合得很好。
Then, in 1979, the Iranian revolution saw prices shoot up to$ 80 per barrel. 到了1979年,受伊朗革命的影响,油价暴涨至每桶80美元一线。
I shoot up between my toes. 我在我的脚趾间注射的。
This figure is expected to shoot up in2008. 预计这个数字在2008年还会暴涨。
Can you shoot up at the bird on the roof? 你能射中房顶上的那只鸟吗?
If goddamn it, if I want to shoot up, I shoot up. 要是上帝反对,而我想注射,我也会去注射。
After all, will investors really keep buying MBS instruments if say, Treasury rates shoot up? 毕竟,如果国债利率大幅上升,投资者真的愿意继续购买mbs工具吗?
Some hunters like to shoot up everything in sight. 有些猎手喜欢对视野之内的每个东西部乱射一通。
This will shoot up your CTR. 这将拍你的中心。
Not stories by Aesop, place your loot up, parties I shoot up. 这不是伊索寓言,我拿走你们的钱就是“化缘”,是我让派对的气氛暴涨。
We have here a golf ball a gun we can shoot up the golf ball and we do that in such a way that the golf ball, if we do it correctly exactly comes back here. 我们有个高尔夫球,这把枪会把它向上射出去,我们就按这样的方式来实验,高尔夫球,如果设置正确,它正好会回到这里。
As new countries join the EU and remove their trade barriers, sales of Scotch tend to shoot up. 新的国家加入欧盟,贸易壁垒解除,苏格兰威士忌销售势头也随之猛增。
You come in here and shoot up the place, it might be your own relatives inside. 你来到这里,乱射一通,也许你自己的亲戚就在里面呢。
So who was going to shoot up my school? 那么谁本来要枪击学校?
Electrician: Sometimes sparks do shoot up but we have ground wire, which keeps us safe. 电工:时而会有火花,但我们已经接了安全地线。